Get Out Revolution Newspaper - NY, NJ, Conn

Thursday, August 31, 2006

All Out Labor Day Weekend Sept 2-3-4: (1) Sat Rev Bks 10:30AM; (2)Sunday Many dif events to go to; (3) Monday ALL OUT to West Indian Day Festival

Friday, September 1st

This Labor Day Weekend it is crucial to reach out and orient everyone we meet to get activated RIGHT AWAY around the WCW –DRBR – Oct 5 – “That there is a Day, There is a Way” and everyone is left with materials to spread out into the area, the city, the country , the world. We should sign up people, but there’s work to be done right away to raise money, to build for September 7th meetings and to make plans for October 5th.

Why are revolutionairies working to build for a massive October 5th? Monstrous crimes have been committed and still more monstrous ones loom. We must BRING THIS TO A HALT! From our revolutionary point of view, we must do that with the clear perspective going forward on to another future, an emancipatory one toward communism.

So this weekend, there’s lots of work to do.

1) Saturday, September 4th – Meet up at 10:30am, Revolution Books, 9 W. 19th Street, NYC. Teams will be leaving from the Bookstore.

Street Fairs
-- Washington Sq. Outdoor Art Exhibit, on side walks north, south & east of Washington Sq. Park, in Greenwich Village. Saturday-Monday, noon to sundown. Also, Sept. 9 & 10.
-- Friends of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza Street Fair, Second Avenue between 45th & 46th Streets, 11am-6pm
-- Andrew Glover Youth Program Street Festival, Fourth Avenue between 8thh and 14th Streets, East village, 11am-6pm.

Saturday PM, phone banking.

2) Sunday, September 5th – there’s lots of events Revolution needs to be part of. If you know of an event, write into Here’s events we are planning teams to be at this time:

(A) BRAZILIAN DAY STREET FESTIVAL, Avenue of the Americas from 46th to 57th Streets and 46th Street between Fifth Avenue and Broadway. With entertainment, food and crafts. Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sponsored by the Brazilian American Cultural Center.

(B) ‘Irie Jamboree’: Beres Hammond & Marcia Griffiths & Gregory Isaacs & Beenieman & Capleton & Buju BantonRoy Wilkins ParkBaisley Boulevard & Merrick BoulevardQueens, NY 12343Jamaica,6.htmlPrevious attendees of this well-run annual reggae event report brief between-act intermissions, great performances, and pure niceness all around—a day to rival any of Jamaica's big music fests. This year's lineup—smartly balanced between the best of the roots vets and younger dancehall stars—plus the "you are in NYC but I could swear I was a Yard" vibes rivals any of Jamaica's big music festivals. Even if you don't live in Queens, make the journey there by any means available. With Baby Cham, Assassin, Cocoa Tea, Red Rat, Mr. Vegas, Mr. Peppa, Kulcha Don, Stephen Souza, and Jovi Rockwell. (OUMANO) Price Info: $50 Noon Sun, Sep 03, 12:00 pm

SUNDAY, SEPT. 3 @11:30AM
Musicians: please arrive @ 11:15 AM for brief practice session.
WHERE: St. Mary's Church on 126th St, btwn Broadway & Amsterdam (we will march down 125th St to Lenox Ave.).


After the procession, you are invited to a reading of excerpts of testimony on the Bush Administration's response to Hurricane Katrina given at the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration (October 2005 & January 2006) at the Lenox Lounge, 288 Lenox Avenue (bet. 124th & 125th Streets).

(D) Mother Courage ticket lines & getting into the play lines
By Bertolt BrechtTranslated by Tony KushnerOriginal music by Jeanine TesoriDirected by George C. Wolfe

Sunday, September 3rd is the last performance for this world premiere event. Tickets can be picked up for free on the day of the performance beginning at 1pm at The Delacorte Theater in Central Park or from 1 to 3pm at The Public Theater Box Office, 425 Lafayette Street. Note that the web site says there will be limited ticket distribution for September 3rd

(E) Street Fairs
-- Washington Sq. Outdoor Art Exhibit, on side walks north, south & east of Washington Sq. Park, in Greenwich Village. Saturday-Monday, noon to sundown. Also, Sept. 9 & 10.
-- Greenwich Village Chamber of Commerce Festival, Broadway between 8th & 14th Streets, 11am-6pm
-- Forest Hills Chamber of Commerce Street Festival, Austin Street, from 72nd Road to Yellowstone Boulevard, Queens, 11am-6pm

3) Monday, September 4th – ALL OUT to the West Indian Day Carnival, meeting at 9:30am, Utica & Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, at the Mc Donald’s

Join the Drive Out the Bush Regime Contingent at the Crown Heights Carnival!This is a unique opportunity to reach more than a million people. WCW has a contingent in the parade with beautiful and compelling banners. On both sides of the contingent will be teams of leafletters and fundraisers, as well as other teams with the paper/new talks cards, etc. The contingent will be a focal point of attention. All eyes will be on it and the message it is taking out. The contingent and teams should work as one, not separate groups in order to make the strongest statement and mazmimze on funds. People will contribute the most and take stacks when they see the contingent, so it's important for the teams to stay with the contingent and not get left behind. People should leapfrog forward if they are falling behind. Materials will be brought the the hook-up point above.

Everyone should wear their black WANTED T-shirts.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Katrina Never Forgive...Never Forget Join Revolution Teams Tuesday August 28th

August 29, 2006 *Note changes


New Orleans 2005:
Never Forgive... Never Forget

Join Revolution Newspaper teams to get out Revolution, the Katrina Editorial, WCW-DOBR leaflets and the WCW black arm bands to mark the Katrina anniversary tomorrow, Tuesday, August 29th on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

Tuesday, August 29th

8:00am-9:30am 125th & Lenox, #3 Train station; call 917-553-4704 for more info

11:00am Court & Montague Streets, 2-3 to BoroHall, R to Crout St. Call Damian for specifics

11:30am-1:30pm Herald Square; 34th street & Avenue of the Americas

3:00-6:00pm East Flatbush area. Meet at the McDonalds at Church & Nostrand, #2 to Church. Call Damian for specifics.

4:00pm McDonald’s at 181st St. & Broadway

5:00-7:00pm 125th & Lenox, #3 Train station; call 917-553-4704 for more info

6:00pm NYC Solidarity Committee for Katrina/Rita survivors Press
Conference at Kelly Temple Church of God & Christ, 8-10-12 E. 130th
St. (Bet. 5th & Madison Avnues). Speakers will discuss current
situation of Katrina/Rita survivors in New York and around the
country. 718-789-1732 for more information on these events and

8:00PM Fundraiser entitle “Iatrina Memorial Celebration: Celebrate Life and
Triumph", Kumble Theater, Long Island University between Flatbush
and Myrtle (take Q or B to DeKalb Ave.); Sponsored by Artists for
Life; $25 general admission; $15 for seniors & students.


Check back here for details about a New Orleans Jazz Funeral procession this Sunday, September 3rd, on 125th Street.

“Katrina came out of the ocean, with relatively little warning (though there was warning enough to evacuate people). But the ways in which Katrina was dealt with did not come out of nowhere – they came out of a system, one which is long overdue for extinction. For 400 years American capitalism has fed off of and constantly reproduced, in different forms, the oppression of Black people. And this utterly worthless system will continue to do so, in increasingly grotesque and horrific ways, unless and until it is overthrown by the revolutionary action of millions and tens of millions of people.

“That is the real message from the rooftops.

“As a statement by our Party, shortly after Katrina, put it:

‘ “Not only the need but also the possibility of revolution, and of a radically different society, shows through in these events – once they are understood in their true light. Masses of people, in the areas most immediately affected, were being left by the government to suffer, day after day, in conditions not fit for human beings, yet they showed their humanity in many ways and put the lie to the slanders that portrayed them as criminals and animals.” ‘

Katrina One Year Later: Never Forget...Never Forgive
Revolution #58, August 27, 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Helping Make Oct 5 a Success - There Is a Way, There Is a Day!

1. There Is a Way, There is a Day excerpt

2. Sunday events: Crobsy Stills Nash and Young; and Protest of Hillary Clinton at Riverside Church

1. Think of all the people who are deeply distressed over the direction in which the Bush regime is dragging the country - and the world... All the people who are outraged over the way in which this regime is arrogantly seeking to bludgeon into submission people in the Middle East, and throughout the world, while trampling on the rights of the people in the U.S. itself... All the people who care about the future of humanity and the planet we live on, and who recognize the many ways in which the Bush regime is increasingly posing a dire threat to this... All the people who are stirred with a profound restlessness by these feelings but are held back by the fear that they are alone and powerless; or who say that they wish something could be done to stop and reverse this whole disastrous course, but nothing will make a difference; or who hope that somehow the Democrats will do something to change this, when everyday it becomes more clear that they will not... All these people, who make up a very large part of the population of this country and whose basic sentiments are shared by the majority of people throughout the world...

Imagine if, from out of this huge reservoir of people, a great wave were unleashed, moving together on the same occasion, making, through their firm stand and their massive numbers, a powerful political statement that could not be ignored: refusing that day to work, or walking out from work, taking off from school or walking out of school -- joining together, rallying and marching, drawing forward many more with them, and in many and varied forms of creative and meaningful political protest throughout the day, letting it be known that they are determined to bring this whole disastrous course to a halt by driving out the Bush Regime through the mobilization of massive political opposition.

There is a way to make this happen. There is a day, coming soon, on which people will be mobilizing to make this a reality. There is a vehicle and a means through which anguish, outrage and frustration can be transformed into truly meaningful, positive and powerful political mobilization.

"The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined. The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US."

**Everyone is asked to go All-Out to reach massive numbers of people fast, not one by one incrementally. This weekend, this means participating in WCW $500,000 fund drive for major ads and for the September 7th organizing meetings. Teams going out in the communities should raise funds for October 5. Anyone outraged and angry at what took place in New Orleans need to deliver the verdict of "guilty of mass murder" on October 5 "Drive out the Bush Regime?) Join the morning and evening phone bank this weekend (and during the week too, most likely) to reach this huge reservoir of people and challenge them to give $ and step forward to organize others. This is a big effort and not something to squeeze in when there's time. Write or call the store if you can make it and is not already doing this.


2. Sunday Events:

6:30 PM Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young at Madison Square Garden.
This was a pretty progressive group in the 60's and was particularly legendary for the eloquent and defiant song in the immediate wake of the government's bloody repression at Kent State. Today, Neil Young has out a very popular "Impeach the President" song. These reunion concerts have been very political and has getten a huge reaction, with people chanting "Impeach the President". There is an ALL-OUT to go to this concert with fund buckets, the Call, There is a way There is a Day, the paper, etc. Stay tuned to the blog for details. Most likely, we'll gather at the store at 5 or 5:30 PM.

10 AM - Picketing Hillary Clinton at Riverside Church, W. 120th and 122nd block west of Broadway
Someone active in the social action committee at Riverside Church is inviting everyone to picket Hillary Clinton tomorrow AM. The service starts at 10:45. People will be entering both at the Claremont entrance and the Riverside Drive entrance. Take the #1 to 116th stop. The social action folks there will probably have logistics and how they want to do it...Signs would be welcome,etc.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Katrina One Year Later: Never Forget...Never Forgive

1. One year later, Never Forget, Never Forgive! The Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

2. Message to teams

3. This week's events

1. One year ago. August 29, 2005.
New Orleans. Katrina.

We remember:

Whole families wading in chest-high floods.
Bodies floating in toxic water, a dead grandmother left to bake in the sun.
Desperation, hunger and thirst emanating off scorching rooftops.
People, most of them Black, packed into a modern-day stadium slave ship.
Over 100,000 -- abandoned and criminalized.
Soldiers and cops and even Blackwater mercenaries pointing guns at -- and yes, beating, shooting at, and killing -- people trying to survive.
Families separated by heartless evacuation.

Many, many needlessly dead....

And we remember Bush, fiddling like Nero when Rome burned, heartless. We remember learning how first Congress and then Bush had slashed funds for the levees – in the face of warnings that they would blow. We remember his mother saying that things “were working out very well” for the Katrina victims, as families were split apart and people waited for word of their loved ones. We remember the Louisiana Congressman who said they had been trying to get rid of public housing for years, and now “God had done it” through the hurricanes.

We remember. And we must never forget . . . and never forgive.
2. Message to teams

The editorial provides very important orientation for taking out the anniversary, from the message from the rooftops to the understanding of Bush as a perverse extension of this capitalist system and his aims for s different social order in the U.S., to delivering the verdict of "guilty of mass murder" in the most powerful way at this time, going all-out on October 5.

Check the wcw website as well as this blogspot frequently for orientation and plans. Plans in the wcw website should be supported and taken out to masses.

Teams should strategize with people they know and meet in the various neighborhoods on how to mark the anniversary.

In Harlem, there are plans to have a New Orleans type jazz funeral march this Sunday. Stay tuned.

We should take out the Revolution paper, the flyer, the New Talks by Chairman Bob Avakian (particularly the first couple and the NBA), and the Mass Murder T-shirts. WCW is doing armbands and you can contact them.

Please send in progress reports every 2-3 days. Again, these should be quick and can be in draft form.

3. This week's events.

Thursday, August 24th,

7pm to 9pm - We Will Not Forget Katrina. A Special Evening to Commemorate Hurricane Katrina presented by and with THE ROOTS MOBY. A Special Reading by Black Thought and Julia Stiles, plus much more! at Crobar, 530 West 28th St., New York, NY 10001


3:00 PM Marcus Garvey Park - Chico Hamilton, George Coleman, Sonny Fortune Quartet, Greg Osby. ** Directions to Marcus Garvey Park, south of the 125th Street at Fifth Avenue. Take the number 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 trains

Crosby, Still, Nash and Young Concert at Madison Square Garden. Time to be provided.


New Orleans jazz funeral march in Harlem. Details to be provided.

1:00- 3:30pm - Malcolm X Grassroots Movement/Political Education Committee Screening and Roundtable Discussion of Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts" (Acts 2 and 4) Special Guest: Dasaw Floyd, Associate Editor. MXGM Office, 388 Atlantic Ave, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY (Between Hoyt and Bond Street) Trains: A/C or G to Hoyt, 2 or 3 to Nevins


Also, Mother Courage (rest of name?) by Brecht, promoted as an antiwar play, has just opened featuring Meryl Streep. Details to be provided or look online for them.

Revolution #58, August 27, 2006

Join a discussion of this week's editorial -- "Katrina One Year Later: Never Forget...Never Forgive" on Wednesday August 23rd, 7:00PM, at Revolution Books, 9 West 19 Street (Between 5th & 6th Avenues), New York, NY 10011 212.691.3345

Now, a year later, tens of thousands are still suffering, getting cut off government aid, and are unable to rebuild their homes and move back to New Orleans. They are up against a system that sees devastation and dislocation as an opportunity to get rid of public housing and the “problem” of poor people. The people are there, the desire to rebuild is there, the means to do it are there -- but nothing can happen until it’s figured out how the profit is going to be made and who’s going to make it.

Katrina shows how the institutions of white supremacy and the ideas of racism are woven into the very workings of U.S. capitalism and how all this is consciously reinforced by those who rule it.

“George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People”

That of course is the remark that Kanye West caught hell – and applause – for. But it goes way deeper than that. And it points to the most crucial struggle of the day – the need to unite millions to DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME.

What are you and your friends and coworkers thoughts on this anniversary? Join in this discussion and be part of making plans to distribute Revolution newspaper and raise money for teams building networks of Revolution newspaper supporters in this area as well as in New Orleans.

“We don’t need religion, we need revolution. We don’t need to ‘get right with God,’ we need to get rid of this system.” Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

Getting out Revolution in Brooklyn

E Flatbush, 8/12

Three of us went to E. Flatbush for about 4 hours. Though we were dogged by intermittent rain, we still did quite well. We got out 100 English and 6 Spanish papers and raised about $75, and we sold 8 t-shirts for $80. (We only learned of the price hike to $15 after we had sold all of these.) [A $25 dollar donation should be requested for t-shirts, a donation to continue to building networks of supporters for Revolution newspaper – would the contributor consider becoming a regularly sustainer for the paper – but in particular with the current issues we are focusing on and collecting donations so that paper supporters can get down to New Orleans during the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina .] We could actually have sold at least one or two more if we’d had a better size selection – several people requested double Xtra large, but we only had one.

One of the shirts was bought by a businessman who I believe was Black American. I started talking to him about the Katrina coverage in the paper, and as he was holding the paper up looking at that, his friend was checking out the “Wanted” back page and called his attention to it. They both bought the paper, even though she had initially said “I’ll look at his.” And when I told him we had it as a shirt he wanted one right away. (I should say that while he said he definitely agreed with what I was saying about Katrina being mass murder, he and other people were more getting the shirt as an overall _expression of anger at the Bush regime, and economic conditions and the wars and future wars in the Middle East came up frequently.)

But there was immediately a discussion in the business about whether it was safe to wear a shirt like that – this came up repeatedly through the day, often in the form that “white people can wear that, but if Black people do we’ll be labeled as terrorists and arrested.” I think at least a half-dozen people raised this in some form or another. My response was that on the one hand, there is nothing illegal about the shirt, but on the other, yes, something this defiant could draw unfriendly attention from the authorities, and we really don’t have any rights that they are bound to respect. But that people, and certainly Black people, are catching hell in any case, and it is important to start raising this pole of resistance.

(Initially I thought people were just raising the general “radicalness” of the shirt. But later a Jamaican woman specified that the shirt “focused on the president”. In retrospect, I should have pointed to the “can only be stopped through the mass action of millions” text to clarify that. I also think this reflects that there is a high level of fear among immigrants in this neighborhood, partly because of their status, and maybe also because there is more open and overt repression of things like this in their homelands.)

The response of the business guy (and also another person who bought one) was that right now you can’t just wear this in any situation, you have to choose it, but that as more people do buy them, it will open up more space in different situations. And he had concrete proposals for where we should take them (the barber shops, though it didn’t go very well there, to the extent we did it) and also wanted to wholesale them himself. (He both wanted to get them out but also wanted to make some money off it.)

As we were talking and he was holding up the shirt, another guy passing by on the street glanced at it and then was staring. The businessman waved him in and the guy said “that’s a great shirt, whose idea was it.” The businessman pointed to me and I asked if he wanted to get one. He did, but I didn’t have his size, but I said I could get it. He said he had to go, but he would come back to the business and get the shirt and leave the money, which is what we ended up doing.

I also found that when I very briefly held the shirt up to traffic people were staring, and one guy called me over to buy one, but again, we didn’t have his size.

At a beauty parlor, a young beautician (looked maybe 19 to me) said she didn’t want the shirt, but offered a donation of $5 (without being asked.) I gave her and a friend the current and last issue of the paper. She expressed great upset at Bush – this was split between things like Katrina and the wars in the Middle East, and the harsh conditions of the masses here. She said “what can we young people do about this?” She felt like the situation was volatile because people’s lives were so difficult; she didn't express the kind of hopelessness many older people do.

We talked about the campaign to drive out the Bush Regime and how something like this could and needed to take hold among millions, in the way that the immigrant movement did last spring. She thought this was possible too, and I pointed her to the Oct. 5 articles and WCW website. At the same time I talked about the need for revolution, and for many people to come forward amongst the masses and get grounded in the most scientific understanding of why things are the way they are and of the revolutionary way out, and that the new talks by BA could enable her and others to make a leap in their understanding and the role they played. She promised to check both out, gave me her card and asked me to come back next week.

So the experience with the shirts was very good, but so was the experience with the paper. At one Arab-owned business a youth bought the paper, and a few minutes later came up to me (while I was talking to someone else) and asked me for papers to get out. I have him 10 and he gave me a dollar – he actually seemed a little disappointed that I didn’t give him more. Later he told the other two people about another store we should go to. They went there and the store owner was very excited, got papers for everyone in the store and made $20 donation. The owner of the first store (who has regularly given the paper to select people, but not put it out or asked for money) decided to put it out and ask people for $.50, with him covering the rest.

At another store where I regularly talk to a nearby vendor, the owner – who was Greek – started asking me if we are against the government. I said yes, but it goes deeper than that, we are against the whole system that is based on plunder around the world and exploitation here. He asked what we were for and when I said communist revolution, proletarian revolution, he said “like Mao in China?” I said yes, and then he asked me if Mao made things better in China. I said some things about solving the food problem and the drug problem and life-expectance, and he said “what about street crime”? I said it was virtually non-existent because when the system is by and for the masses people aren’t driven to that. While he did seem to see the sense of that, he also went off on a tirade about how crime was rampant here and the courts let people go on technicalities, and people trash their own neighborhoods, etc.

It was a friendly encounter but he didn’t get the paper cause he said he never reads. But a Mexicano worker there did get it and donated an extra-dollar, and then tried to convince a Black guy he knew to get it (though he didn’t.)

A point on the Talks though – I got to see several of the people for whom we had played part of the first Talk previously, but none of them have listened to it on their own yet. For one of them this is because he has no Internet access and is really unfamiliar with all that technology – or at least that is one obstacle. Another guy said that by the time he gets home at night he is exhausted and doesn’t want to think about anything, but he did get the new paper and promised to listen to the talks. And then the third guy basically said he’s been catching up with his friends and hasn’t been to a library, but as soon as he goes he will download them to his PC. So that’s a little frustrating, and I don’t really know what else to say to people at this point.


Friday, August 18, 2006

Larry Everest speaking Saturday August 19th

Important Event - Spread the Word!
Revolution Books / Libros Revolucion
Larry Everest
Author of Oil, Power & Empire
Speaking on the Current Situation in the Middle East: Lebanon, Iraq, Iran – Bush's War of Terror and Empire
Murderers in Trouble, the Danger of Wider War, and How Can We – and Can't We – Stop Them
Saturday, August 19th, 7:30 P.M.
The LGBT Center
208 West 13th Street
(Between 7th & 8th Avenue)
For more information call, Revolution Books: (212) 691-3345
PICK UP PUBLICITY CARDS NOW AT REVOLUTION BOOKS (9 W. 19th Street, between 5th and 6th Aves)

New Orleans 2005, Never Forgive, Never Forget!

We are fast approaching the first anniversary. Volunteers from New York and other cities are already in New Orleans among the people. Imagine thousands of people wearing the black t-shirt, WANTED FOR MASS MURDER, WANTED FOR MASS MURDER, WANTED FOR MASS MURDER, WANTED FOR MASS MURDER, WANTED FOR MASS MURDER,.... Revolution will provide coverage of what happens in New Orleans and other cities in the next few weeks.

NEW "WANTED FOR MASS MURDER" BLACK T-SHIRTS will be available 10:30 AM, Saturday, August 19 at Revolution Books. They are part of a fundraising effort to send/sustain volunteers in New Orleans and pay for flyers, etc for the anniversary. Selling teams should be sure to take these t-shirts out in the communities along with the paper. Please do good accounting.

Have fun and report on your experience.

Saturday, 1PM - night, The Poem that Changed America... HOWL! Fifty Years Later: A Symposium based on the book edited by Jason Shinder with Jason Shinder, Amiri Baraka, Alicia Ostriker, Robert Polito, David Gates, Bob Rosenthal, Gordon Ball, Kurt Brown.

At the Bowery Poetry Club is located at 308 Bowery (between Houston
and Bleecker). Take the F train to 2nd Ave, 6 train to Bleecker.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

1. If you have Issue #56, bring them to the store. 2. Larry Everest Program Saturday, August 19

1. If you have Revolution #56 that you have not distributed or know anyone who does, please bring them to Revolution Books IMMEDIATEDLY if you are not going to distribute them in the next two days. Also, call the store ASAP to let us know how many papers will be returned. (If you intend to get out this issue later than the next couple days, we should have some coming back from stores.)

We are out of papers and needed them for the Summerstage event featuring Outernational and for a bookstore table at the WBAI event today. What difference does it make for this paper on the slaughter in Lebanon to be in masses' hands at this critical time and not sitting in someone's house?


2. Taking the paper out to the Arab community.

We are putting together a team to take the current paper out to the Arab community (if we can get ahold of papers) and also on the weekend. Volunteers should call the store or someone might call around asking a few people to do this.

3. Larry Everest Program on the Situation in the Middle East, Saturday, August 19, 7:30 PM. Location to be announced (check Revolution Books for flyers).

Selling teams should make plans to get Revolution and the Larry Everest flyer out to the various communities in Hanhattan, Brooklyn and Queens (not limited to the select locations this week).

3. Reports

Looking forward to hearing from all teams on how it went this weekend with the issue on Lebanon. The slaughter in Lebanon is very much on people's mind. Are we hearing them? What's being said? There's been a tendency to go out with our plans and be tone deaf to what is happening in the Middle East. (Very little was reported about Lebanon the big weekend of getting out the Talks.) There is much in our paper on the Middle East situation and in the new talks by the Chairman that should be brought to the people.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Update: National Emergency March in Washington in Support of People of Palestine and Lebanon

Schedule for this Weekend - details follow


- 9 AM - Meet at Revolution Books, 9 West 19th Street to take Revolution newspaper out to Harlem, Brooklyn, Upper West Side. Revolution Books will have a table at Union Square. Read the powerful editorial: "The U.S.-Israeli Slaughter Must Stop - Now"!
- Emergency March on Washington Support the People of Palestine and Lebanon!
Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! Support the Palestinian Peoples Right to Return! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine: OCCUPATION IS A CRIME! - may leave Friday night.

- 7 PM, Prospect Park - Sugar Water Festival w/ Queen Latifah, Jill Scott & Erykah Badu

SUNDAY - 11 AM - Meet at Revolution Books, 9 West 19th Street to take Revolution newspaper out to Harlem, Brooklyn, Upper West Side. Here is an update to previously announced plans for this weekend.


We have learned that there will be a major march in Washington this Saturday. We need volunteers to go, if possible the night before, to reach tens of thousands.
Below is information we received:

National Emergency March on Washington - August 8, 2006

Support the People of Palestine and Lebanon!
Stop the U.S.-Israeli War!
Support the Palestinian Peoples Right to Return!
>From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine: OCCUPATION IS A CRIME!

The National Council of Arab Americans (NCA) with the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation and the ANSWER Coalition is organizing a National March on Washington August 12 in Washington DC to protest the Israeli assaults on Lebanon and Palestine.

Protest US-Israeli Assaults!

Assemble 12 Noon at the White House

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Our experience this past weekend bears out that the masses are grappling with big questions and that the titles of the new Talks have sparked much interest. There’s a wide audience for these path breaking new Talks. And, there’s a reservoir of MUCH NEEDED financial support among the people to GET THE WORD OUT!

After a slow start this weekend to raise the much needed funds, the Harlem team took the challenge and raised $200 on Saturday. Some was raised among a few store owners in Harlem who know of Bob Avakian already. The rest of it was raised by getting on the phones to people who’ve already been acquainted with Bob Avakian through subscribing to Revolution. Other subscribers to Revolution, people who have already been reading From Ike To Mao, My Journey From Mainstream America to Mao and Beyond, My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist or heard only a taste of the DVD through the Sampler can step forward now and firm up what they have come to know something deeper about the problem in the world and solution by donating money. People who are only now being introduced to Bob Avakian through these Talks while they grapple with big questions can answer this challenge to get these Talks out broadly by donating money. Like a man from Ethiopia who came to the US with his church, concerned about the state of the world, the environment and the many injustices people endure. After one year and realizing that the church was only about controlling what people think and not about critical thought or about figuring out how to get rid of the injustices. He quit the church. Now he is listening to the Talks to seek out that solution to injustice he did not find in the church and see if Bob Avakian is providing the solution.

To all the teams and individuals who have taken up this major public opinion campaign, set goals, aim high and raise funds, NOW!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

This Week/Weekend and Bob Avakian's New Talks!

A Brief Summation of our Accomplishments Last Weekend and Some Thoughts through Friday

Over 10,000 postcards, 1,300 posters, 1,700 stickers got out.
About $280 in donations, and about 60 Revolution newspapers.

Experience bears out masses are grappling with big questions, that the titles of the talks are not falling on deaf ears or into a vacuum. It did not take much to open up conversations and people have a lot to say.

- an Ethiopian man in Harlem came back to find out more about the talks. He stated that anything that brings about critical thought he was for. Since coming to the U.S. two years ago with a church, he was concerned about the state of the world, the environment, and the injustices that people go through but one year later realized that the church was just about controlling the way people think and not about critical thought, or trying to figure out how to get rid of the injustices, so he quit the church. He'll definitely listen to the talks.

- $200 was raised in Harlem Saturday night for postcards, posters.

- significant numbers of store owners and masses took stacks of postcards and posters.

- in East Flatbush, a laundromat worker listened a part of the first talk and was ready to listen to the whole thing. He loved what he heard and enjoyed hearing the history that the Chairman gets into. There was also discussion of the editorial and learning from the Chairman's method. He will listen to the talks and tell his friends to download them, took more stickers (he'd gotten some the day before).

- also in East Flatbush, following a partial listening to the first talk, aa father and son spoke in a restaurant on the coming civil war and what it would take to make a revolutionary movement that would have a chance. They talked about making radical changes in the world, a desire to see changes in the world, and the talks show how this might be more possible, and how revolution could be possible. At one point they brought out that it could be done by each one teach one; the team members struggled that this will take too long and this has to reach thousands, what that would mean, and how could we reach thousanads. They also raised that if we do win over millions that's good, but there will still be millions not won over, and those are the ones with the big money, - so how do we deal with that? They gave a donation and took papers.

- the Union Square team posed the question of why do people not have the right to eat which people took very seriously in trying to answer it.

Some points to think about/talk about for the rest of this week (to Friday):
- Some people are responding strongly to the title of the first talk - why?
- Why are masses and store owners/restaurants taking stacks of postcards, posters?
- How are people seeing the Lebanon/Middle East/Iraq situation? Are most of the storeowners Arab? Are people bringing this up, are we not bringing this up? What are the broader masses thinking about the situation in the world, how do they see the title of this talk connecting with what's going or, or do they?
- How are people thinking about the Katrina anniversary? What is their mood around this?
- How are we bringing up the real radical solution? Is there some tailing/lagging in doing this? When the question was posed about the "right to eat", the report does not bring out how things could be different, leaving several people saying, "it's just the way it is".
- While there is struggle over tailing religion and nationalism, there needs to be more grappling. In response to some back-and-forth with the NBPP in Harlem, are we putting forward sharply "It's a thoroughly rotten system and we need revolution" and NOTHING LESS and WHAT KIND of revolution?
- Study the editorial about this high-impact move on public opninion that gets word of this out ot literally millions of people.



- Right away, seek to talk to everyone who has been checking out Bob Avakian, his memoir, his work. And those who should be introduced to these works. Engage them about these talks, what they think, and how these talks could get out more broadly. Especially talk to anyone who may be key to reaching more broadly. Use the editorial and the points about "Now try to imagine…" and "way too much of a secret" about the potential impact of these talks, and let's learn a lot about how people are connecting with Bob Avakian and unleash a lot of creative thinking and activity to change the political equation!

- A major and essential thing right away to take up with people is fundraising for production of the CDs of the Presentations and the promotional materials. Note: Having low-cost CDs of the talks available is critical to connecting these talks to much broader layers of basic people, many of whom do not have easy access to the internet and MP3 players. Lots of people with more resources will be engaged and excited by the vision of this reaching widely among the basic people and should donate to this happening. Again, the editorial gives a framework and vision of this.

And, anyone can go to and and download PDFs of the postcards and posters.

- Everyone should also plan to have fundraising buckets in the work through this weekend.

- Check this blog regularly.

We'll see you Thursday!
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