Get Out Revolution Newspaper - NY, NJ, Conn

Monday, May 15, 2006

Photos from the Red Flag Contingent at the NYC Immigrants’ Rights March on May 1st - Send Reports - Contributions Needed

The Red Flag Contingent really connected with the people. Over 100 people joined the contingent at one point or another during the day, thousands of others were affected by it, and some took red flags into other contingents and protests throughout the day.
But we need to learn much more. We invite you and others you may know to let us know of your or others’ experience with the Contingent, what it meant for people, and much more. [Please forward this to others.] Please send your commentaries via email to: or bring your letter in person to Revolution Books (9 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011, open Monday-Saturday 12-7, Sunday 12-5).
Also we need to raise the $400+ borrowed to make all the red flags and for leaflets for the Contingent. Please donate generously – send or bring your donation to Revolution Books. Checks should be made out to “Revolution Books”, envelope should include: “Attention: Red Flag Contingent”. Thanks.

Below is additional photo from Red Flag in Iglesia San Romero de las Americas contingent in Washington Hgts earlier on May 1.

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