#86 - Update for May 1
From the current Revolution:
Revolution newspaper will be coming out with a major statement for May 1 that should get out everywhere on that day. The statement will speak deeply to the whole fascist assault on the immigrants—what is the source of this, what kind of political struggle must be waged to resist this, and the connection of this to hastening things in a revolutionary direction.
May 1 is the international holiday of the proletariat, the class with nothing to lose but their chains. It is a day when the revolutionary aims of the proletariat—for a world without classes and class divisions and all that goes with that, and for a revolution to get to that world—are renewed and declared.
On May 1 this year, we call on distributors and readers of Revolution to not only march, but to boldly get this newspaper and the May 1 statement into the hands of tens of thousands and more. This effort should include the special Revolution issue (#84) on Bob Avakian, along with other revolutionary materials.
Please join teams taking this May 1 statement to the demonstrations and events listed below. Teamleaders, please be reminded to send in reports to getoutrevolutionnyc@yahoo.com within 2 days of outings.
Other important materials for distribution on May 1 will include 300 Wanted for Illegally Crossing Borders: The Bush Regime, and 300 CDs of Why Do People Come Here.Sunday, April 29th
4 PM-8PM. Giuliani says he's gonna be President, We say HELL NO! Lakou New York Radio Program invites you to join us at a Brooklyn community forum on Rudolph Giuliani. We will be screening the documentary film "Giuliani Time" which chronicles
Giuliani's racist and ruthless attacks on Haitian refugees fleeing Duvalier's terror; on New York City's homeless; on public assistance recipients; on communities of color and the poor by giving the police a license to maim and murder with impunity. We invite you to come meet and listen to the film maker Kevin Keating, to parents whose children were murdered by Giuliani's police, and to lawyers and activists who fought and continue to fight back. There will also be an open mic to you to ask questions and voice your own apprehensions on the nightmare of Giuliani in the White House. The event will be held on Sunday April 29th, 2007 from 4pm to 8pm at the Walt Whitman Junior High School Auditorium which is located at 72 Veronica Place (Corer of Albemarle Rd.) in Brooklyn, NY. There is a $10 donation requested to support Lakou New York radio program which is a Haitian community grassroots radio program which is aired daily (Mon-Fri, 1-2pm) on "Radio Pa Nou" 94.7 FM-SCA. Live and archived programs are also available on our website.
6:30-7:45 pm. PEN Event @ Cooper Union, The Arthur Miller Freedom to Write Lecture: David Grossman and Nadine Gordimer, Discussion. Tickets: $15/$10 PEN members. David Grossman is a novelist, journalist, and children's book writer whose work examines the human soul, love and the Holocaust, as well as the tragedies and opportunities of contemporary Israeli-Palestinian relations. In 1988, Grossman received the Har Zion Prize in recognition of his efforts to enhance peace and understanding between Arabs and Jews. Last year, he joined A.B. Yehoshua and Amos Oz in a plea to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to reach a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. A few days later, Grossman's son Uri was killed when his tank was hit by a Hezbollah missile. After the lecture, Grossman will be joined on stage by Nobel Prize-winning author Nadine Gordimer for a discussion about his life and work. or the complete PEN World Voices festival program, visit http://www.pen.org/ or call 212-334-1660.
7:30 PM. In The News With Jeff Greenfield: Dan Rather. Jeff GreenfieldCNN senior analyst Jeff Greenfield (now joining CBS) and former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather discuss today's key political issues. Greenfield's insightful analyses and quick wit make him one of the most trusted television journalists. Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Y
Venue: Kaufmann Concert Hall, Price: $30.00 All Sections
Monday, April 30
6 PM. Columbia University bookstore. Discussion of Marxism and the Call of the Future: Conversations on Ethics, History, Politics with Raymond Lotta and Bill Martin.
4 PM. The Ballad of Esequiel Hernandez. TriBeca Film Festival: BALLA Discovery 2007, 90 minsInterests: Social Issues, Politics, Latino, Documentary, Immigration. Nearly ten years after the murder of 18-year-old American citizen Esequiel Hernández by a U.S. Marine team in Texas, the border continues to see increased militarization. Juxtaposing the grief of the victim's family with the Marines' frustration and guilt in their first on-screen interviews, this probing documentary, narrated by Tommy Lee Jones, asks: is history doomed to repeat itself? In English and Spanish. AMC Kips Bay Theater 11, $18
Mon, Apr 30, 4:00pm, Regal Cinemas Theater 11, $14
Tue, May 1, 10:30pm, Tribeca Cinemas Theater 2 , $18
Fri, May 4, 2:30pm, AMC Kips Bay Theater 12 , 14
Tuesday, May 1st
MAY 1 - Stand with Immigrants: Stop the Raids & Deportations! Actions: Immigrant rights boycotts, demos.
11 am: Mass meeting. At Warinanco Park, Elizabeth, NJ. Sponsor:NJ May 1 Coalition. Info: jgabriel55@igc.org
12 Noon: 181st & St. Nicholas – Rally. Immigrant Communities Coalition
2-2:30 pm: Interfaith Prayer Service. At Judson Memorial Church (55 Washington Sq South). Sponsor: NY Immigration Coalition.
2:30-3:30 pm: Rally (the theme--"Our American Family Tree"). At Washington Sq Park; 3:30-4 pm: march to Union Sq.
4 pm: Rally/march. At Union Sq Park, 14th St & B'way (4/5/6, L, N/Q/R/W to Union Sq); march to Federal Plaza/Foley Sq (site of African Burial Ground). Sponsor: NYC May 1 Coalition. Info: 646-291-2778, http://www.may1.info/ Student volunteers: igobin@hunter.cuny.edu National May Day Movement for Worker & Immigrant
7 PM. WBAI presents Greg Paat, RobertKennedy Jr.... From Baghdad to New Orleans. Community Church of NY, 40 East 35th between Park and Madison.
7 PM. DOCUMENTARY FILM SCREENING: MY COUNTRY, MY COUNTRY. Theresa Lang Center, 55 West 13th Street, 2nd Floor Admission: Free, The Village Voice calls the Academy Award-nominated My Country, My Country, "the definitive film about the U.S. occupation of Iraq." It is indispensable, heartbreaking, and ferociously wise. Following the screening, director and New School graduate Laura Poitras converses with Academy Award-winning filmmaker and the Department of Media Studies and Film's 2007 Artist-in-Residence Peter Davis (Hearts and Minds, 1975).
7:30 PM- 10 PM. May 1 Open House at Revolution Books, 9 West 19th Street. Special guests: Raymond Lotta and Bill Martin at 8 PM. Come toast May 1. Refreshments will be served. Bring your favorite wine or dish.
** Emergency Demonstrations
5:00PM Times Square World Can't Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime call for emergency demonstration, to march to Union Square where UFPJ and others will have an action.
Bush has vetoed the troop withdrawal bill. We must hit the streets immediately, or else we are accepting the terms that our only course of action is to submit to Bush’s agenda of endless war and hope that the complicit Democrats strike a “compromise.”
Gather for an emergency demonstration WEDNESDAY at 5pm in front of Times Square’s military recruiting center— 43rd and Broadway. We will then march down to Union Square, where MoveOn, United for Peace and Justice, and other organizations have called an emergency veto action starting at 6pm.
5:30PM Brooklyn, Borough Hall (corner of Joralemon & Court St)
Join the Move-On vigil with Brooklyn Parents for Peace.
6 PM - JOURNALISM AS A SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITY, Building/Location: The New School, 66 West 12th Street, room 510, In the past several years, more than 100 journalists around the world have been killed doing their job, while 24 countries jailed 125 journalists last year alone. The Wolfson Center for National Affairs at The New School presents Martin Fishgold, editor and former president of the International Labor Communications Association, who will talk with a group of respected journalists including Robert Fitch, author of Solidarity for Sale: How Corruption Destroyed the Labor Movement and Undermined America's Promise, and Rob Mahoney, deputy director, Committee to Protect Journalists, and Cal Skaggs, film producer and director. about how new legal threats to journalists are emerging daily and how the U.S. military has stonewalled investigations into the deaths and detentions of journalists in Iraq. Other than these dramatic instances, journalists here and abroad are threatened in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to hide the truth. What does it mean to be a journalist and how are journalists in this country fulfilling the roles of afflicting and comfortable and comforting the afflicted? Ticket Information: In-person purchases can be made at the New School Box Office at 66 West 12th Street, main floor, Monday-Friday 1:00-7:00 p.m. Inquiries can be sent to boxoffice@newschool.edu or 212.229.5488.
8 PM. Brian Greene. For reasons that Brian Greene will explain, it is very, very useful for physicists to imagine that instead of one universe there are many. Multiple universes make the world of teeny particles, the quantum world, more understandable. They help explain how time works, and even make it logically possible to go back in time and kill Hitler. But while many universes may appeal to this prize-winning author of The Elegant Universe, most of us were happy when the word universe meant “everything there is.” Learn why we need more than one. Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Y. Venue: Kaufmann Concert Hall. Code: T-LC5PF03-01 Price: $25.00 All Sections
6:30 pm. Cooper Union The Great Hall, 7 East 7th Street at Third Avenue
Free. Howard Zinn: An Evening of Dramatic Readings From Voices of a People's History of the United States Reading, with Kerry Washington, Allison Moorer, Ally Sheedy, Brian Jones, Danny Glover, Deepa Fernandes, Erin Cherry, Harris Yulin, Kathleen Chalfant, Opal Alladin, Staceyann Chin, Steve Earle and Stanley Tucci, Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove will introduce and narrate an evening of dramatic readings from Voices of a People's History of the United States. The public performances of Voices are inspiring, challenging reminders of our rich history of protest and its relevance. In a series of compelling readings, the words of rebels, dissenters, and visionaries from our past—and present—will echo in The Cooper Union's historic Great Hall including Malcolm X, Frederick Douglass, Fannie Lou Hamer, Maria Stewart, Tecumseh, Emma Goldman, Paul Robeson, Susan B. Anthony, Yuri Kochiyama, Leonard Peltier, Cindy Sheehan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Henry Turner, and many others. Howard Zinn is a historian, playwright and social activist. He was a shipyard worker and Air Force bombardier before he went to college under the GI Bill and received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Author of numerous books, Mr. Zinn has received the Thomas Merton Award, the Eugene V. Debs Award, the Upton Sinclair Award and the Lannan Literary Award.
Thursday, May 3rd
6:30pm. Stem Cell Research: The Way Forward. Chuck Close, Kevin Eggan, Michael J. Fox, Susan L. Solomon, Harold Varmus, Lieutenant Governor David Paterson and Leonard Lopate. A majority of Americans support it. Scientists are determined to harness its potential to treat and cure major diseases. Hear a panel discuss ways that citizens, scientists, governments, philanthropists and patient advocates can work together to move stem cell research from the lab bench to the bedside.This Program is in conjunction with The New York Stem Cell Foundation. Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Y. Venue: Kaufmann Concert Hall. Price: $25.00 All Sections
6:30 pm. An Evening with Barbara Kingsolver. Lecture and book signing. Building: The Cooper Union The Great Hall, East 7th Street at Third Avenue. $10, call Ticket Central: 212 279-4200 or go to http://www.ticketcentral.com/. The box office at 416 West 42nd St. is open noon-7 p.m. Barbara Kingsolver, bestselling author of The Poisonwood Bible, will be speaking at The Cooper Union's Great Hall about her new book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, which chronicles the year she and her family vowed to spend eating a locally-produced diet and avoiding food transported by the use of fossil fuel. This local-food project was the culmination of Kingsolver's longstanding conviction that America has lost its way when it comes to the production and consumption of food. Kingsolver's book makes a compelling case for putting the kitchen back at the center of family life and diversified farms at the center of the American diet. Proceeds from this event will benefit Bette Midler's New York Restoration Project, a non-profit dedicated to revitalizing underserved parks, community gardens, and open space throughout New York City and to teaching children to be better environmental stewards.
Friday, May 4
9 PM DJ Spooky: Rebirth of a Nation, part of the Tribeca Film Festival. Winter Garden @ the World Financial Center. After a two-year world tour, conceptual artist, writer and musician DJ Spooky will bring his acclaimed multimedia performance piece Rebirth of a Nation to the Tribeca Film Festival on May 4th and 5th, 2007.An audio and visual re-imagining of D.W. Griffith's groundbreaking and polarizing 1915 classic, The Birth of a Nation, the work combines DJ Spooky's celebrated skills as a club DJ, multimedia storyteller and social critic to transform the silent era epic into a mesmerizing commentary on political corruption and racism.The Tribeca performances will mark the premiere of a new soundtrack recorded by the renowned Kronos Quartet as well as a pristine new high definition print of the film. Rebirth of a Nation will be released along with a documentary about the making of this unique cinematic and musical triumph on DVD by Starz Media.The London-based video collective D-Fuse will open the show each night with their performance piece Latitude.For more information and to purchase tickets, go to http://server1.streamsend.com/newstreamsend/clicktracker.php?cd=725&ld=3&md=161&ud=8120c7ad0935654428306263fc5937e0&url=http://www.tribecafilmfestival.org
Saturday, May 5th
St. Mark’s Church in the Bowery - 2007 Annual Patron Block Party. East 11th Street between 2nd & 3rd Aves.
9 PM DJ Spooky: Rebirth of a Nation, part of the Tribeca Film Festival. Winter Garden @ the World Financial Center. After a two-year world tour, conceptual artist, writer and musician DJ Spooky will bring his acclaimed multimedia performance piece Rebirth of a Nation to the Tribeca Film Festival on May 4th and 5th, 2007.An audio and visual re-imagining of D.W. Griffith's groundbreaking and polarizing 1915 classic, The Birth of a Nation, the work combines DJ Spooky's celebrated skills as a club DJ, multimedia storyteller and social critic to transform the silent era epic into a mesmerizing commentary on political corruption and racism.The Tribeca performances will mark the premiere of a new soundtrack recorded by the renowned Kronos Quartet as well as a pristine new high definition print of the film. Rebirth of a Nation will be released along with a documentary about the making of this unique cinematic and musical triumph on DVD by Starz Media.The London-based video collective D-Fuse will open the show each night with their performance piece Latitude.For more information and to purchase tickets, go to http://server1.streamsend.com/newstreamsend/clicktracker.php?cd=725&ld=3&md=161&ud=8120c7ad0935654428306263fc5937e0&url=http://www.tribecafilmfestival.org
6:30 pm (reception) & 7:30 pm (ceremony) - Benefit: musical & poetic tribute to Nobel prize-winning author & humanitarian Toni Morrison. W/Cassandra Wilson, Ron K Brown's Evidence, Noel Pointer String Trio, Obediah Wright's Balance Dance Theatre, poet Sonia Sanchez, Howard Dodson (Schomburg Center). At Columbia U, Lerner Hall (116th St & B'way, 1 to 116th St). $150; proceeds to African Voices, nonprofit literary magazine that sponsors readings, the Reel Sisters Film Festival & other cultural events. Tix: 212-865-2982, http://www.africanvoices.com/
Sunday, May 5th
Cinco de Mayo Celebration, Flushing Meadow Park, Queens.
11am- 6pm
Broadway Spring Festival, 86th Street to 96th Street on Broadway
Monday, May 7
8:30 am - Court support: jury selection in case of Fr Luis Barrios (John Jay College prof, El Diario columnist), arrested w/15 others outside the UN as Bush was speaking on 9/19 & charged w/assaulting an officer (a felony), resisting arrest & disorderly conduct. Rally outside before hearing starts, then pack the courtroom. At 100 Centre St (6, J/M/Z, N/R/W to Canal St, 4/5 to Bkn Bridge-City Hall, B/D to Grand St); rally usually in Collect Pond Park near Centre & Leonard St. Info: Lucia Bruno, 212-926-5757 or un16defense@yahoo.com
8:15pm. Discovery/The Nation Poetry Contest Winners. Place: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Y. Venue: Buttenwieser Hall. The Joan Leiman Jacobson Poetry Prizes are presented by The Nation’s poetry editor, Grace Schulman. Now in its 33rd year, this contest has discovered such poets as Nick Flynn, Gregory Orr and Mary Jo Salter.The 2007 Discovery/The Nation Poetry Contest winners have been selected. They are:· Paula Bohince of Greensburg, PA· Darcie Dennigan of Rumford, RI· Joseph Heithaus of Greencastle, IN· Melissa Range of Decatur, GAPrice: $18.00 All Sections / $10.00 Age 35 and Under
Tuesday, May 8th
6:30pm, CUNY Grad Center, 365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street
Martin E. Segal Theatre
The Interpretation of Habeas Corpus
With David Cole, Georgetown University, Legal Affairs Correspondent for The Nation; Aziz Huq, Liberty and National Security Project, The Brennan Center for Justice; and Corey Robin, the Graduate Center. (Center for the Humanities)
Thursday, May 10
1 PM. Lynne Stewart to speak at LaGuardia College - The Little Theatre - 31-10 Thompson Ave., L.I.C. New York
7:00pm. Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam(1). Building/Location: The New School, Swayduck Auditorium, 65 Fifth Avenue. Event Description: The New Press and International Affairs at The New School present a conversation with preeminent historians of the Vietnam War, Marilyn B. Young and Lloyd C. Gardner, editors of Iraq andtheLessons of Vietnam, as they draw out the connections between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War—and the many lessons that went unlearned by U.S. foreign policy makers, even as they have been obsessed with overcoming the “Vietnam Syndrome.” Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, and Jan Barry, founder and first president of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), also join the panel.
Thursday, May 10
7:00 p.m. CONVERSATIONS: GAY RIGHTS IN AMERICA. With Harry Hirsch, editor of The Future of Gay Rights in America and Lisa Duggan, editor of Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture. Location: The New School Theresa Lang Community Center 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor.
Monday, May 14
5:30PM Join Lynne Stewart: Book Party to celebrate the release of : Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine, by Joel Kovel & We Begin Here: Poems for Palestine and Lebanon Edited by Kamal Boullata and Kathy Engel Place: Mamlouk 211 East 4th Street Joel Kovel, Kathy Engel and others will read from their works.
8 pm (reception 7 pm) - Film/discussion: World premiere, "War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death" (US, 45 min). W/director Loretta Alper (Media Education Foundation, http://www.mediaed.org) & Norman Solomon (featured in film, narration by Sean Penn). Insightful analysis of strategies used by administrations Dem & Rep to promote their agendas for war, from Vietnam to Iraq. Familiarizes viewers w/techniques of war propaganda, sensitizes to rhetoric of "war on terror." At Anthology Film Archives, 32 2nd Ave (at 2nd St, F/V to 2nd Ave). $10 (incl reception). Sponsor: Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). Info: hgoldstein@fair.org Tix: 800-838-3006,http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/14397
May 17
Mumia Abu Jamal's FINAL APPEAL COURT DATE! Battle on in the eleventh hour of Mumia's case!The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has informed attorneys for death row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal that it will hear oral argument on Mumia’s habeas corpus appeal on May 17 in Philadelphia. In a letter to supporters announcing the hearing, Mumias attorney Robert Bryan pointed out that Mumia “remains in great danger. If all is lost, he will be executed.” Mumia’s case has reached a critical juncture. Any decision by the Third Circuit will likely be appealed to the reactionary U.S. Supreme Court. United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA. For more information go to: http://mumia.org/
7:00 pm What Do Creationists Believe About Human Evolution?
with Dr. Eugenie Scott, American Museum of Natural History. Central Park West, at 79th Street, New York, $10.00 General Admission / $8.00 Members Call: (212) 769-5100 or www.amnh.org
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
7:30pm. Alice Walker in Conversation with Gloria Steinem. Alice Walker, known for her literary fiction, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Color Purple, has written many volumes of poetry and non-fiction. Her most recent book is We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness, a series of spiritual and political meditations on what each of us can do to better the world and be a force for peace, hope and sanity. Gloria Steinem is a writer, lecturer, editor and feminist activist. In 1972, she co-founded Ms. magazine and remained one of its editors for 15 years. Her books include the bestsellers Revolution from Within: A Book of Self Esteem and Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, Moving Beyond Words. Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Y. Venue: Kaufmann Concert Hall
Code: T-LC5WL08-01 Price: $25.00 All Sections
Thursday, May 24, 2007
8:00pm. (sold out) Understanding Our World: Al Gore with Charlie Rose. Al Gore served as the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States, having had a prior distinguished career serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. He is the author of the bestsellers Earth in the Balance and An Inconvenient Truth. He also stars in the Academy Award-winning film An Inconvenient Truth, where he passionately exposes the myths and misconceptions about global warming and offers practical solutions for what each of us can do to ensure the future of our planet. His most recent book is The Assault On Reason, a visionary analysis of how we can put the tenets of fact-based reasoning back into public discourse and politics at large. Tickets for priority seating are $50. Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Y Venue: Kaufmann Concert Hall Code: T-LC5SE19-01
June 16-17
Clearwater Festival at Croton Point Park
June 18
Yoko Ono in Conversation with Anthony DeCurtis
Yoko Ono is a ground-breaking and award-winning musician, artist, filmmaker and peace activist. Her most recent work includes the albums, Yes, I'm a Witch and Open Your Box. One of the boldest creative thinkers and cultural icons of our time, she discusses her extraordinary life journey with Anthony DeCurtis, who is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone and the author of In Other Words: Artists Talk About Life and Work.
Date & Time: Mon, Jun 18, 2007, 8:00pm
Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Y
Venue: Kaufmann Concert Hall
Code: T-LC5AE13-01
Price: $35.00 All Sections