Get Out Revolution Newspaper - NY, NJ, Conn

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Suggest Agitation and a couple of things


Suggested Agitation: There is a longer and shorter version here. The shorter one is down lower. For both, people who hear the agitation should also see the paper itself, held up.


THIS HAS TO STOP! This criminal regime must be stopped, its crimes must be stopped. It must be driven from power.

The world today is a nightmare. Millions voted hoping to end this war, and now we got more troops, more carnage, more torture. More religious slaughter. The democrats rule impeachment off the table. But this can’t wait until 2008! This is UNACCEPTABLE!

This weekend thousands in D.C. are very welcome and urgently needed, and need to grow to millions, in a determined movement that won’t be stopped, and won’t just be “symbolic”.. To anyone who thinks we can wit til 2008, this paper asks what kind of society waits two years to put an end to torture, the slaughter of children, the fueling of civilization destroying civil war? Especially after this last election and the escalation of the war, it should be intolerable to think we can wait.

This paper has the challenge - unless we resist and mobilize millions politically to stop this, we will bear responsibility for the very crimes we oppose.”

This paper calls to students. The world is waiting for you to rise to the mission to stop this, and galvanize everyone else.

This paper challenges everyone to grapple with how things got to where we are now, and what humanity is capable of. The world does not have to be this way. If you are seriously concerned about the future then get into Bob Avakian’s re-envisioning of communism and let’s thrash this out.

Get into this paper. Get hundreds and thousands for everyone else who needs it. And contribute to the cost of it.


And a somewhat shorter version:
THIS HAS TO STOP! This regime and its program must be driven from power.

The world today is a nightmare. Millions voted hoping to end this war, and now we got more troops, more carnage, more torture. More religious slaughter. The democrats rule impeachment off the table. But we can’t wait for 2008! This is UNACCEPTABLE!

This weekend thousands in D.C. are very welcome and urgently needed, and need to grow to millions. To anyone who thinks we can wit til 2008, this paper asks what kind of society waits two years to put an end to torture, the slaughter of children, the fueling of civilization destroying civil war? This world can not wait. we resist and mobilize millions politically to bring this to a halt!

This paper challenges everyone to grapple with how things got to where we are now, and what humanity is capable of. The world does not have to be this way. If you are seriously concerned about the future then get into Bob Avakian’s re-envisioning of communism and let’s thrash this out.

Get into this paper. Get plenty for everyone else who needs it. And contribute to the cost of it.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Saturate D.C. and Everywhere, Part 2

ALL OUT for this powerful and compelling issue. Bush gives his State of the Union address Tuesday night. Listen to it and get ready to broadly agitate with the broadsheet in contrast. ALL OUT Wednesday morning, schools, subway stations, communities. Hold up the back page poster, shout out the first and last parts of the front page article! Discuss the paper, the articles, the graphics, the layout - take this issue out boldly. If you hear of people gathering to hear the speech, get the broasheet in that mix.

Thursday night there will be an orientation for all going to D.C. at the bookstore at 7 PM - be there to get super sharp for getting out 100,000 broadsheets and influence things on a grand scale.

Check the blog every day for additions and edits.

Below is a partial schedule:

Tuesday through Thursday, 11 AM - 9 PM, and Friday 11 AM to afternoon - Saturate Columbia University. Call either Quetzal or Damian. There'll be people on campus all day.

Wednesday early AM - key subways for people going to work. All day for those that can do it.
7 AM - 96 and Broadway
7 AM - Union Square
7 AM - Herald Square

Thursday, January 25
7 AM - another subway team
7PM sharply - orientation for DC - study the new issue - VERY IMPORTANT!

Events are below:


The New School, Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, 55 West 13th St, 2nd Fl.Admission: $8. Webcast: Wolfson Center for National Affairs at The New School presents a panel discussion focused on a new documentary film, Taxi to the Dark Side, about U.S. policy and practice with respect to torture. This probing and balanced documentary by Alex Gibney, a leading documentary filmmaker, considers the implications of torture policies nationally and worldwide. Panelists will include key people involved in the project who will discuss the intellectual, political, emotional, and economic considerations, commitments, and challenges they faced. The evening includes a sneak preview of a portion of the film.

9 a.m. Iraq, Iran, & Beyond: America Faces the Future featuring Daniel Benjamin, Max Boot, Peter Bergen, Patrick Clawson, Steve Coll, Steven Cook, Noah Feldman, Fawaz Gerges, Karen Greenberg, Stephen Holmes, Toby Craig Jones, Farhad Kazemi, W. Patrick Lang, Dafna Linzer, Salameh Nematt, Paul Pillar, Barnett Rubin, Steve Simon, Craig Unger, Lawrence Wright and others. Event Details *This event is free and open to the public* Location: Lipton Hall, 108 W. 3rd Street (between Sullivan & Macdougal Streets)
Schedule of Events
9:15-9:45 a.m. Opening Remarks
10:00-11:15 a.m. The Proxy War: Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Iran featuring Patrick Clawson, Toby Craig Jones, Dafna Linzer, Lawrence Wright. Moderator: Steve Simon
11:20-12:35 p.m. The Taliban Resurgence and the Future of Al-Qaeda featuring Peter Bergen, Steve Coll, Barnett Rubin, moderator: Karen Greenberg
1:30-2:45 p.m. The Last Best Chances? New Plans of Action featuring Max Boot, Noah Feldman, W. Pat Lang, Salameh Nematt, Paul Pillar moderator: Daniel Benjamin
3:00-4:30 p.m. The Neighborhood: Dominoes Ready to Fall? featuring Steven Cook, Fawaz Gerges, Farhad Kazemi, Craig Unger moderator: Stephen Holmes
4:30-4:45 p.m. Closing Remarks

6:30pm Al-Qaeda: Past, Present and Future. Featuring guest speaker Lawrence Wright. The Great Hall, 7 East 7th Street at Third Avenue

Thursday, January 25

7:00 -9:00 pm. The Center for Constitutional Right and The Nation Magazine present FROM PINOCHET TO RUMSFELD: Accountability of US Officials for Torture . NY Society for Ethical Culture Auditorium, 2 W. 64th St. at Central Park West,
NY. Free and Open to the Public!. Subway: #1 train to 66th and Broadway; A/B/C/D to Columbus Circle. Featuring: Vince Warren, Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Rights, making introductions, Janis Karpinski , Former US Commanding Officer at Abu Ghraib prison, Ira, Scott Horton , Chair, International Law Committee,Association of the Bar of the City of New York; Michael Ratner , President, Center for Constitutional Rights , and others as they share testimonies of the experience of torture and discuss the legal attempt to bring US officials to justice for war crimes, including a pending criminal complaint in Germany against Donald Rumsfeld, seeking his prosecution in Germany for war crimes. For more information, contact CCR at 212-614-6443, email or visit our website at or

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Saturate D.C. and Everywhere with Revolution #78

Revised 1/23/07
ALL OUT for the Jan 27 Demo, the week before and the week after

This is a critical moment. Bush is sending more troops, expanding the war and making threats against Iran and Syria. The question and challenge from a recent Revolution article - "What are the people going to do now? Our answer, delivered by millions, must be like what millions did following the invasion of Cambodia: a resounding No!" Torture+Silence = Complicity.

Many, many people are angry and outraged against the troop surge. We want to reach out to the tens or hundreds of thousands going to D.C. on a grand scale.

There is a debate that has been ruled out of order, and that needs to be pried back open; it is a debate over how the world has gotten to this place, what must be done to change it, and what revolution has to do with all that. This kind of debate is not only urgently needed in its own right, it is key in fueling and inspiring forward a movement powerful and determined enough to halt the horrific trajectory of today.

Critical to that whole discussion is Bob Avakian’s revolutionary vision of a truly liberating society. This issue of our paper features an article that gives a basic sense of how Bob Avakian has re-envisioned the communist project, and of his method and approach to understanding reality and how to change it. The question needs to be posed to people: "If you are seriously concerned about the future—and who cannot be? — then you need to engage in what he’s saying. And we strongly encourage you to go to and listen to the talk 'Why We’re in the Situation We’re in Today. . . And What to Do About It: A Thoroughly Rotten System and the Need for Revolution.'"

This issue includes a special 4 page broadsheet which will be available Monday night. 100,000 English, 5,000 Spanish in D.C. 30,000 English and 5,000 Spanish in NY. The issue will have a box directing people to a fuller electronic issue, so check the newspaper website as well.

Everyone should call contacts to get bundles of papers to distribute, discuss the content, join newspaper teams, contribute funds, e-mail the issue to their friends. Very importantly, ask everyone we meet to go to D.C. as part of the paper teams. The discussions should be lively and reflect the line and content of the issue. Sellers should wear the Wanted T-shirts, either Katrina or immigrants. Plans are being made to bring forward a proletarian contingent from NYC. The store has bus tickets that teams can sell.

Saturation in NY means going to Columbia, NYU, Hunter, high and jr high schools. To Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem and the Bronx. To the Upper west side and more broadly. Aim to get 100s of names, set up DVD showings, organize contacts to go to D.C. The bookstore will have a program on Thursday night in preparation and the following Thursday which new and all contacts can be invited to.

Check out the articles in Revolution issues 1177 and 1178 " Putting forward our line in a bold and compelling way". Also check out the Revolution DVD of Chairman Avakian, the clip on disc 3 on "How a Revolutionary situation could come about".

Anyone not going to DC should make plans to saturate the buses.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Come out with Revolution for Martin Luther King Day

January 12, 2007 REVISED YET AGAIN


Hi to all our friends, to those who want to see things changed fundamentally so bad you can taste it. We need to get busy right now! January 15 is Martin Luther King Day.



If you are a regular reader of Revolution newspaper, keep reading, and keep digging deeper to learn all that Bob Avakian has put forward and keeps developing as the way out of this madness and use it as a guide to understand and change the world. If you are new to it now is the time to get busy!


Read Revolution newspaper this week.

Take a close look at the article: Bringing Forward a Whole Different World -- And Not Just Going For Some Payback, By a comrade in New York We urge you to especially check out the last three paragraphs this article.

Listen to “Revolution -- Why It’s Necessary, Why It’s Possible and What It’s All About”. A great DVD of a speech by Bob Avakian, in particular on Disc 3, Track 8 Why Not Bring About Change Peacefully. Hear what Bob Avakian has to say and be ready to talk with everyone and learn from them about this question which will be on people’s minds in celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Day comes on the heels of Bush’s announcement to send 20,000 more troops to Iraq. All around us people continue to be deeply angered by what is happening, especially right now, the struggle to protest the murder of Sean Bell has many starting to lift their heads. They and others continue to discuss and search for reasons why this keeps happening and what to do about it. Many different messages will be out there this weekend. We need to be connecting with many people right now – spreading revolution and bringing forward Bob Avakian’s vision of communist revolution and the way to make this real.

Come and help make this compelling, exciting and visually bold. We want to make sure that the banner is seen by everyone and draws more people to join our contingentit says: JUSTICE FOR SEAN BELL! 50 MORE REASONS-WE NEED REVOLUTION! We want everyone in the contingent to wear the great t-shirt (same as the centerfold in Revolution #76 WE NEED MORE OF THIS ... NOT THIS! take a look if you haven’t seen it yet-this week) that says “We Need More of This-Not This.”

We want to be so compelling and exciting that people will want to join us and build the contingent stronger and larger! Others will carry the centerfold (same as the t shirt) high for people to see. Maybe some will carry huge enlargements of the centerfold. Still others will fan out in different teams: to sell Revolution newspaper and buckets for donations and to spread the 7 Talks, the DVD, Revolution Why It’s Necessary, Why It’s Possible and What It’s All About, and the sample of the same by Bob Avakian, and raise funds.

Be there with us, you can carry the banner, sell Revolution, sell the t-shirts and you should bring your ideas to make this contingent strong and compelling!

Teams are asked to enlarge the 2 weddings poster - this captures the moment of Bush's troop surge and Sean Bell's murder. Take back issues from the store if available.

Other activities we are planning through the weekend. Come with us and make some of your own plans, set your sights and your goals high!

We have set a goal for Friday through Monday to sell 1000 Revolution newspapers, $600 for newspapers, 100 "We Need More of This Not This" T shirts, and $1000 for t shirts. We will also set a goal for DVD samplers, the 7 Talks and the DVD. Keep checking! This is a 2 week issue of the Revolution newspaper and we should aim to sell out!

Here are the places we will be going:

Saturday - Brooklyn, Harlem, Queens communities


AM Church Services:
- Riverside Church
- Cathedral of St John the Divine
- House of the Lords Pentecostal Church in Brooklyn for the Martin Luther King services.

3 pm - Schomburg Library, Harlem. AAJC/HBCU Big Band CONCERTTribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. featuring the AAJC/HBCU Student All-star Big Band The African American Jazz Caucus/Historically Black Colleges and Universities (AAJC/HBCU) Student All-star Big Band is made up of the finest young talent culled from outstanding Jazz programs in the HBCU system. Dr. Larry Ridley, AAJC executive director, master musician, and educator, founded The Big Band in 2001. Since its inception, there has been a substantial increase in the number of schools and students who audition annually.Tickets: Members, $12; Non-members, $15. For Ticket charge, call The Schomburg Shop at (212) 491-2206. Ticket charge hours, Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 6 p.m.

3:30 PM. WNYC, New York Public Radio, in conjunction with The Brooklyn Museumand AKILA WORKSONGS, Inc. is proud to present "LOOKING FOR MARTIN: Are Dr. King and His 'Dream' Still Relevant?" at The Brooklyn Museum 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, New York. Admission is FREE and seating is on a first come basis. Hosted by DEAN MEMINGER, Anchor and Reporter for NY 1 News and featuring a keynote address by KEVIN POWELL, Brooklyn-based community activist and author of 7 books, including his latest essay collection, SOMEDAY WE'LL ALL BE FREE (Soft Skull Press) plus WNYC's own BRIAN LEHRER participates in a multicultural panel discussion on race, gender, class, equality, Civil Rights, and the legacy of Dr. King. Other panelists include...MARINIEVES ALBA, Activist, Educator, Writer, and Media professional who uses the arts and culture as a platform for inspiring and creating social change. JIN HEE LEE, Staff Attorney at New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI), a civil rights law firm that provides community lawyering in the areas of disability rights, environmental justice, and access to health care. TAHANI SALAH, Columbia University undergrad, Poet, Youth Outreach Coordinator for UrbanWord NYC. Live performances featuring TONI BLACKMAN, Rapper, and BABA ISRAEL, Rapper and Beatboxer, accompanied by YAKO, Vocal Percussionist, and DALMAR JAMES, JR., Acoustic Guitaristand. UNIVERSES, an acapella spoken word and theater ensemble, plus a special Dr. King speech and sound montage produced by DJ REBORN, hiphop theater musical director; and featured deejay on the national tour of Russell Simmons' Tony Award-winning Broadway show Def Poetry Jam. Take 2 OR 3 train to Eastern Parkway stop. HOURLY PARKING available in Museum parking lot. For more information, please call WNYC's listener services number, 212.669.3333, or visit WNYC's website at BRIAN LEHRER SHOW airs weekdays at 10am on 93.9 FM and Tuesdays thru Saturdays on AM 820. Copies of Kevin Powell's SOMEDAY WE'LL ALL BE FREE (Soft Skull Press) will be on sale.

4 PM MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. CELEBRATIONSt. Paul's Lutheran Church (Parkchester)1891 McGraw Avenue, BronxCOST: FREE For More Info:CONTACT: The Rev. Dr. James R. ThomasPHONE: 917-682-6255EMAIL:


10:30 AM. Annual Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Brooklyn Academy of Music, 30 Lafayette Ave, near Ashland Place, Fort Greene. Monday Jan 15th at 10:30am, with gospel music, art exhibit, screenign of American Blackout, 2006 documentary about black voterby by Ian Inaba. free tickets available from 9am 718-636-4100. Features musical guests Rutha Harris, Black Rock Coalition Orchestra, The Full Effect Gospel Ministries Mass Choir, and Hip-Hop performance artist Will Power. New York City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, and Comptroller William C. Thompson Jr. will also speak.Howard Gilman Opera House, Peter Jay Sharp Bldg. 30 Lafayette, (718)636-4100. Free.

1:30pm for demo/march at 2pm Called by the House of the Lord Church at the Isaiah Wall, on First Avenue @ 42nd Street across from the UN, march to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza with 4 coffins to focus on Sudan

1 pm King Day Celebration and Panel; Sponsor: Habitat for Humanity NYC; Location: Concord Baptist Church, 833 Gardner Taylor Blvd. (formerly Marcy Ave.), Brooklyn;

5:30pm, doors open at 6Pm, program at 6:30 pm. Symphony Space. A Communal Celebration in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. An uplifting evening as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s vision for justice, peace and civil rights. This year we will pay special tribute to the late Coretta Scott King by inviting a cadre of outstanding women performers, There is a performance at Symphony Space honoring Coretta Scott King. 2537 Broadway @ 95th Street

Don't forget: Larry Everest will be speaking at Revolution Books on Tuesday, January 16 at 7pm on "Escalation in Iraq: High Stakes for Them...and for Us"

We will be forming teams in the next day or two, but people can start volunteering now.
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